apiotrekk - 2010-03-08 18:47:31

!!! Rules !!!

1. We value freedom of speech, but with dignity. Do not have rejoiced, and do not offend other users.

2. Do not use foul language - with the exception of requests for the translation.

3. This forum is not rubbish - if your post does not bring anything new to discuss and write just like "Exactly!", "I agree with the above", do not post it.

4. Moderators have the right to correct, amend or delete any post from the forum without giving reasons.

5. Moderators and the administrator have the right to remove a post that offends in some way other users.

6. Failure to comply with the rules of the forum threatens warnings or banem.

7. Signature in the description should be only one of size 350x150 pixels (W x H)

8. Each link should be encoded.

9. Red color is reserved for the administrators.

www.poradnikmetin2.pun.pl www.czatpsotnik.pun.pl www.kety.pun.pl www.bolly-tolly-kolly.pun.pl www.pokemon-master-game.pun.pl